78% of US Facebook Users are Mobile

By August 16, 2013
\Facebook has begun to release data on its 1.15 billion users providing usage statistics by country. This comes after a reported 10.3% increase in global daily active users at the end of July.

Facebook states:
We are doing this because we believe brands and businesses should think differently about how people engage with Facebook, especially on mobile. A lot of people focus on monthly active users or even registered users to demonstrate their size and scale. We think this is becoming on old way of looking at the media world. In this world, understanding who comes back at least once a month is only part of the picture. Instead, businesses should focus on people who come back online every single day.
You can also see some of this new thinking within the new Facebook Insights for Pages which is slowly being release to page owners. The shift of focus from monthly to daily users is a step in the right direction in identify highly engaged users from those who use the site or application more casually over the course of the month.
It’s good to see Facebook growing despite reports of younger age groups leaving the platform and other reports of how Facebook makes us sad. Now if they can only find a way to monetize the platform without filling my newsfeeds with “sponsored” posts and ads for games.