Advertising Media

Old Media Deathwatch: One in Four Teens Can’t Name Broadcast Networks

By idfive \ June 9, 2006

If you doubt that old media is on the way out, this recent story in AdAge (Google cache link) should change your mind pretty quickly. According to a new study by Bolt Media, only one in four 12-34 year olds can name all four major broadcast networks (that’s ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox, if you forgot). What are these folks doing? According to Bolt’s president Lou Kerner, they’re:

…surfing the Internet, which 84% said they did during their idle periods. Hanging out with friends came in second at 76%, watching movies third at 71% and TV viewing fourth at 69%. The five most-watched TV networks were Fox, Comedy Central, ABC, MTV and Cartoon Network. “There’s a massive movement going on in people under 30 and how they spend their media time,” said Bolt President Lou Kerner, who once upon a time was a cable analyst on Wall Street before leaving to run and then Bolt. “Our audience spends lots of time on net, creating their own media.”

Remember: they might be kids now, but in a very short time these will be the target consumers that advertisers are really going to go after.

Still think those millions spent on TV ads are a good idea?