This is my archive

Is The UN Is Going Social?

Well maybe not, but we can always hope. It was announced last Tuesday that the United Nations meeting this month in NYC will, in part,… Read More

Yes We Can (Tweet)

Ok. So… Twitter. Some get it, some don’t. Some think it’s revolutionary, some think it’s a fad. Some think it’s a great social media tool,… Read More

At the risk of making AttentionScan all about politics lately, this website deserves a mention:, which was put up very quickly after election… Read More

Endings and Beginnings: Witnessing History

2:01am, Wednesday November 5, 2008 Wow. History. Never before in my life have I felt as truly proud to be an American like I did… Read More

The Wisdom of (betting) Crowds, part 2

Just to add to my post of earlier today, has posted (at 1:56am) the final results of the election. 338 Obama, 159 McCain. Read More

Happy History

This is the first event in my lifetime that I will remember as a great moment. My parents had JFK, the moon landings, V-J day… Read More