Big Ideas Consulting, Training & Staff Augmentation Marketing
From Intern to Team Member

By \ July 14, 2023
Internships at a creative agency are an excellent opportunity to learn—how fast-paced the work can sometimes be, the collaboration that happens across departments, learn about different disciplines like UX, development, strategy, account services, copywriting and design, and how rewarding it is when a project comes together beautifully. And sometimes, your internship will lead you to find your future job. It sure did for Graphic Designer Sarah Yalov, Media Manager Jon Croft, and Associate Director of Client Services Katelyn Brickey.
So, we decided to have a coffee and chat about their experiences and their effortless transition from intern to full-fledged fiver.
So, tell me a bit about yourself—and what you’re drinking
Sarah: I’m Sarah Yalov, graphic designer, cat mom, and baking enthusiast. I like having coffee with milk and sugar, nothing too fancy!
Jon: I’m Jon Croft, media manager and music industry veteran. I’m having my usual—a black Americano.
Katelyn: I’m Katelyn Brickey, Associate Director of Client Services, Disney fanatic, and brunch connoisseur. My go-to drink is a comforting, warm black coffee in the cutest mug!
Thinking back, how did you first find out about idfive and our internships?
Sarah: “I was googling for internship opportunities and was intrigued by what I saw at idfive. When I was later referred to idfive’s Creative Director Kathe Flynn through a mutual acquaintance, I jumped at the chance to chat with her.”
Jon: “My journey to idfive started through a conversation with someone that I met through LinkedIn, and they shared a posting for an internship opportunity.”
Katelyn: “While in college, I worked at a jewelry store where a coworker’s boyfriend was recently hired at idfive. She recommended the agency to me and asked her boyfriend to help recruit me. I reached out to idfive, set up an interview, and started that fall.”
What did you intern as?
Sarah: “I was a graphic designer.”
Jon: “I joined the Client Services team.”
Katelyn: “Technically, it was graphic design.”
Did you have any experience with other internships before coming to idfive?
Sarah: “Before idfive, I had two short, virtual in-house internships (COVID times). They were both very low-key and not really what I was expecting. I came into the internship at idfive ready to get real-world experience.”
Jon: “I did my first internship nearly 33 years ago. Being a late-career professional that went back to school and switched careers, industries, and roles—I tried to throw any preconceived notions out the door, both of what my expectations might be and how I viewed myself.”
Katelyn: “idfive was my first internship, so I had no idea what to expect. I figured I’d have the chance to work on a project (which I did) but also have to make the silly coffee runs you see on TV (which I didn’t). idfive treated me with respect like I was part of their team. Afterward, I interned somewhere else, hoping to expand my experience and knowledge, but I had a bad experience and learned pretty quickly that idfive was a special place.”
What type of work did you do?
Sarah: “I did a little of everything—branding, campaign concepting, production work, website design, social media content, and so much more. I feel as though I learned more during my internship than I did in my entire school career.”
Jon: “I worked on client research, performed content migration, took meeting notes, and generally assisted the Client Services team with any other miscellaneous tasks.”
Katelyn: “I worked on billboard design because graphic design was my major, but I was able to work on other projects, like information architecture, adding SEO metadata to code, and eventually, lots of content migration. I learned pretty early on that graphic design wasn’t a fit for me, but idfive was ready to support me in finding my niche.”
What was your favorite part about your internship at idfive?
Sarah: “I liked that it was a job more than an internship—what I did as an intern, I still do as a full-time fiver. That really shows you how much experience I gained through the internship.”
Jon: “There are two components to this answer—one of which is how I had the opportunity to work with a highly engaged and enthusiastic team that was passionate about doing good work. Working with the team challenged my perceptions of where and how I could fit into an organization like idfive.”
Katelyn: “It was cool to be a part of a team of experienced professionals. They were very supportive.”
How has your internship at idfive shaped your career goals?
Sarah: “Well, I accepted a job at idfive after graduation, so there’s no doubt in my mind that my internship has helped me start my career on the right foot.”
Jon: “My experience at idfive has allowed me to learn about new concepts, roles, and experiences that I didn’t know about. Because of my time here, I chose a career in media planning and strategy. Even though I have worked in marketing for many years, I didn’t consider it—now, I am fascinated with the media strategy part of the marketing puzzle.”
Katelyn: “At idfive, I found I do well in client services. And now, here I am—over a decade later—in a leadership position. I listened to my gut on this initial experience, which set me off on the right path.”
What’s the biggest takeaway from your internship?
Sarah: “The mentorship I got from Kathe and all of the types of projects I was exposed to helped me become a better designer.”
Jon: “I have much to learn—and I love learning new things.”
Katelyn: “Just because you majored in something at college doesn’t mean it’s right for you. You need to be humble about that.”
Any advice for people considering an idfive internship?
Sarah: “Do it! It is a great experience and will definitely help you grow.”
Jon: “Jump in—the water is warm.”
Katelyn: “Be a sponge! Take on every project not only as an opportunity to learn new skills but also to learn more about yourself.”
Reach out to idfive to learn more about our current internship opportunities.