This is my archive

PHP errors for designers (the appendix)

One of the hardest things for me to learn is to read error messages and translate them into something meaningful that leads me to a… Read More

6 Web Design Tips for an Enticing Site

You could have the most interesting content in the world, but the initial look and feel of your website is how to get viewers eager… Read More

Adobe Introduces Adobe Edge Preview

This past Monday, Adobe released a preview of Adobe Edge 1.0 to the public. They hope to launch the actual product next year. So, what… Read More

One Final Web Form Post…

The Current State of HTML 5 Forms. It’s a listing of all new attributes with their support in each modern browser clearly displayed, as… Read More

E-Commerce Checkout Design.

I’m going to steal a little of my colleague Dan’s thunder with this one, because it’s just too good to go unnoticed. He sent around… Read More

Designing for TV

I’ve been aware of the recent slew of TV sets that have some sort of browsing functionality built into them, but haven’t given them much… Read More

Web Design is 95% Typography.

This is an old chestnut but it bears repeating over and over again. Great websites are often laid low by poor typography. Organizations spend… Read More

Clutter = Overload

I was looking for something to write about this morning, and this awesome link dropped into my lap, something that’s been brewing in my head… Read More

Google Hits the Slopes

Here in Baltimore we are getting blasted with snow in every direction right now. With around 40″ on the ground, its only fitting that Google… Read More

Flash, Video, and the Future

In 1997, when I first started learning HTML and dabbling with the web, I was already pretty experienced with an application called Macromedia Director. Director… Read More