This is my archive

Double Click = Search?

Normally, when you click on a word on the web or on most word processing applications, the word is selected. Right? Well, recently, I… Read More

The Internet All Grown Up and Grown out

This past weekend a friend of mine brought over his Nintendo Wii, not only was I impressed with its gameplay and usablility, but… Read More

Cool AJAX “loading” Image Generator

Simply put, this is cool. Generate your own “loading” images in a matter of seconds. Specify foreground and background colors, and the type of… Read More

Information’s Growing Pains

We can all agree that the volume of information on the web is growing at an astonishing rate. What we can’t seem to agree on… Read More

Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink and the Web

After almost a year of Malcolm Gladwell’s “Blink” sitting on my bookshelf, begging to be read, I finally found the time to plow through… Read More

Web Design is Settling Down. Thank God!

Web sites are becoming easier to use mainly because major web destinations have standardized on several design patterns – transforming them into conventions that smaller… Read More

Mission Impossible Accomplished

This morning I took a look at the site for Catholic Community Services via So what you say? Another… Read More

The Squint Test Won’t Cut it Anymore?

About seven years ago, I learned a great lesson from a great person. Peter Quinn, my then Art Director, and current… Read More


Mike Padilla from Digital Web Magazine wrote a great (and courageous) article on the compromises that we often make as UI designers. In “… Read More


Logos can tell a story of an age. If we take a look at logos from the 50s and 60s,they tell a story of the… Read More