This is my archive

The Role of UI: Why Design Matters

By Dr. Sean Carton, Chief Creative Officer and Professor of the Practice at the University of Baltimore “Design” is one of those words that we… Read More

Designing for the iPad

Unless you’ve been living in an old mayonaise jar, you’ve probably heard about this “magical and revolutionary” new device revealed by Apple on January 27th… Read More

Affordance Vs Natural Mapping

Ted and I were talking about some of the reading he is doing for school (he just started the Human-Centered Computing Graduate program at… Read More

It’s Broken

In a fantastic and still relevant talk from 2006, Seth Godin discusses broken design with the same frustration I feel on a day to… Read More

Are captchas getting harder?

I have noticed lately that Captchas, those ubiquitous letter-images designed to fool computers (but supposedly readable by humans) have been getting absolutely… Read More

Visual Searching

As the amount of information continues to grow on the internet, it is becoming harder and harder to find stuff. As you know, necessity is… Read More

Know Your Users – It Matters

There is an interesting article published on Boxes and Arrows a couple of weeks ago that I wanted to share with you. The article… Read More

Advanced Searching Sucks

Boxes and Arrows has a great article about Searching. The article is worth reading and the discussion thread is fantastic. Stephen Turbek’s… Read More

10 Usability Testing Tips

Recently, a client asked us to put together a list of high level “dos” and “don’ts” for usability testing. It has taken us several… Read More

Another tool for the everyday narcissist?

If you haven’t seen this already, then take a moment to checkout Google’s newest addition to their ever-so-ubiquitous Googlemaps tool – Street… Read More