This is my archive

Double Click = Search?

Normally, when you click on a word on the web or on most word processing applications, the word is selected. Right? Well, recently, I… Read More

Writing and Images for The Web, and Male Crotches

Jakob Nielsen and Coyne performed an eye tracking study to test some of his theories and work. The results confirmed many of the… Read More

The eternal mystery of “Clippy”

If you care about usability, and why good ideas go bad, and read nothing else on the subject, please read this: Clippy and User… Read More

The Internet All Grown Up and Grown out

This past weekend a friend of mine brought over his Nintendo Wii, not only was I impressed with its gameplay and usablility, but… Read More

You Need. . .

Step right up. Come one, come all to experience the amazing psychic abilities of GOOGLE?!? That’s right ladies and gentlemen, the search engine we have… Read More

What google REALLY does

I just thought I would make a – maybe obvious – comment on what google really does. Google is a time saver. That is all… Read More

Widget You Say?

I don’t get into the whole fight over Mac vs. PC. To me it is like two brothers, one… Read More

The iPhone iExpected

It’s been a long long time since I have seen this much hype surrounding an unknown announcement and this much expectation placed on rumor and… Read More

Usability Design and Microsoft: On The Right Path.

Microsoft’s homepage underwent serious changes recently (December 14th). And these changes are good! In short: simple design and good architecture makes all the… Read More

The Future of The Web?

One of the first units I teach in both of my Interactive Media, and User Experience and Interface Design classes is the “then, now and… Read More