This is my archive

Matrix + Structure + Freebie = Expression Engine Image Gallery

One of the great things about ExpressionEngine as a CMS is the number of fantastic plugins there are.  Two that we really like are… Read More

Using custom widgets to format repeating content in WordPress

Last time I wrote a blog post we took a look at how you can use a simple plugin to add functionality to WordPress’  built… Read More

adding buttons to tinyMCE in WordPress with a plugin

One of the more difficult things about implementing a website in any CMS is predicting the difficulties and mistakes your users are going to encounter.  If… Read More

Google Chrome OS Test Subjects Needed

So last night I was on my home (riding the bus) and saw this tweet from Google. Upon further inspection, Google is asking for test… Read More

IE9 to have “tracking protection”

Interesting news out of Redmond regarding a component of Internet Explorer 9 that may impact the efficacy of online advertising. The feature in question… Read More

WordPress Debrief.

I’ve spent the past couple of weeks putting together a WordPress-based website for an artist friend of mine, and in that time I’ve learned… Read More

Migrating to wordpress

If you’re reading this on you might be noticing that things look different.  We’ve updated the look and feel of our blog to match… Read More

If It Isn’t Broken, Why Fix It?

This is an outstanding article written by a former developer at Flickr (now at the Guardian) about the difficulties of building socially-based websites. He… Read More

My experience with a screen reader

As a web developer I spend a lot of time thinking about how to build things in ways that will be accessible for folks who… Read More

Open Sources.

Apparently there’s a bit of a row currently going on in the WordPress community, between its founders and the author of a popular WordPress… Read More