This is my archive

Make Your Everyday Web Content Look and Feel Great

Think about most of the web content you consume every day. Most of that content isn’t on a slick, custom-designed homepage. It’s ordinary,… Read More

Create Once, Publish Everywhere Across a University Community

No matter their size, universities must cater to a wide array of audiences: faculty, students, staff, administrators, and the general public. The quality… Read More

How Your CMS Can Help Your Website Redesign Project

Your website is one of your university’s most important marketing assets. Not only is it likely the first place… Read More

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

Have you ever made a logical decision? One where you felt reason led you to an undeniable solution? If so, you are kidding yourself. You… Read More

Keeping Collaboration and Creativity High as We Keep Our Distance

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to expand and evolve, more and more companies are suddenly stepping into unfamiliar territory: a completely remote staff. Maintaining normal… Read More

UX, Dopamine, and Motivation

Understanding where Dopamine comes from can have a sticky effect on your website. Read More

Building a Road Map For Your Update to Drupal 8

Many of our clients – non-profits, universities, and government entities – use Drupal, an open-source content management system, for large, enterprise-level… Read More

How High School Students Use College Websites, According to the Data

Today’s high school students are rapidly developing new ways of researching colleges online – from social media to texting to virtual reality. Are you… Read More

5 Lessons Learned From eduWeb Digital Summit

This year, I had the chance to attend my very first conference. The eduWeb Digital Summit was hosted in the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia,… Read More

How Lack of Empathy in Design Can Cause Real Consequences

This past June, the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration became an unlikely case study in empathetic design as its handling of a new license… Read More