This is my archive

Why Budget-Strapped Marketers Should Take a Risk on Specific Messaging

If you want to make a real connection with another person, what do you do? If you’re like most of us, you don’t… Read More

How Influencer Marketing Works in Higher Education

When you think of an influencer, what comes to mind? A super smart techie reviewing the newest iPhone? A famous Beauty Blogger making a tutorial… Read More

The Prospective Student Journey Starts with Brand

The prospective student journey starts well before they see you on social media, receive a postcard in the mail, or visit your website. Read More

How to Pump-Up Your Marketing Team and Give Them a Purpose

Whenever I think of the words  “team,” “culture,” and “motivation” I’m almost always reminded of the moving speeches you find in good-old Americana sports movies. Read More

Top 3 Higher Ed Event Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

For those of us in academia, Commencement looms just around the corner. Despite the myriad details that go into the ceremony itself,… Read More

Is Your Brand Ready for Its Close Up?

In a fast-paced, DIY marketing world, it’s tempting to skip the painstaking process of a professional photo shoot. We have cameras… Read More

Remember, You Are Marketing to Real Life People

After P&G had spent millions of dollars developing Febreze, it sold poorly. When company researchers visited the homes of their target… Read More

Skip Brand, Go Straight to Culture

Too often, marketers talk about brand and culture as separate things. You hear things like, “We need to connect our brand with the… Read More

Paving the Customer Culture Gap

Despite the classic American values extolled by political leaders and history books (freedom, hard work,… Read More

Going Native and Cracking Big Problems With Design Thinking and Anthropology

Anthropology is not a subject that comes up when people talk about design thinking. Why would these two disciplines… Read More