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Public Trust in Higher-Ed is Plummeting, A Serious Brand Problem

The latest Gallup survey on U.S. confidence in higher education spotlights a chilling drop in public trust. This nearly evenly… Read More

“This branding stuff is stupid.”

We pride ourselves in our relentless quest to find the nugget of insight from which an arresting, authentic, and memorable brand is hatched. Along the… Read More

Brands, Know Thyself

This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be… Read More

Branding Liberal Arts in the Age of a Pandemic

In Mark Twain’s 1897 travelogue Following the Equator, Mr. Clemens begins chapter twenty-five with a quote from Puddin’head Wilson’s… Read More

Fundraising and Branding: Friends or Foes?

Why advancement and marketing have to get along    On the face of it, it seems pretty simple. Your nonprofit’s fundraising… Read More

Neurodesign: Promote Simplicity, Emote Joy, and Drive Action

Introduction Neurodesign is an emerging field of design practice that accounts for how our brains are wired to create designs that… Read More

How Your Brand Responds to COVID-19 Is Your Brand

At idfive, we define brand as everything you do to make people feel a certain way about your organization—intentionally or unintentionally. With that… Read More

idfive’s Couch-Side Review of Super Bowl LIV Ads

Ah, the Super Bowl, the most exciting time of year for those in advertising, and those who enjoy critiquing creative from their couch… Read More

Ghosts of Advertising’s Past

Gloomy days, dark nights, cutting winds and driving snow: the marks of winter. And there, shining like a beacon, is the holiday season. Read More

The Key to Purposeful Animation in Advertising

With the rise of social media and other digital mediums, animation has taken a front-row seat in the world of marketing and advertising. Read More