This is my archive

The Brand of Higher Education: Context for the Conflict

The brand of higher education seems to be torn between two extremes. On one side you’ve got the seemingly non-stop, bad press about increasing student… Read More

The Contrarian Guide to Content Marketing Part II

In April we looked at all the reasons why you shouldn’t do content marketing with The Contrarian Guide to Content Marketing Part I. If you’ve… Read More

The Contrarian Guide to Content Marketing Part I

One of the things that the digital marketing industry’s great at is taking old ideas and renaming them so that they seem hip and new. Read More

Social Media Utopia

In 1516, Sir Thomas More published Utopia, a fictional account of an ideal society located on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. While it was… Read More

In the Digital Age, We Are Our Own News Source

Occasionally there are times when something in the world of technology changes and you just know that somehow things are never going to be the… Read More

Social Media: You’re Probably Doing it Wrong

By now, it’s a pretty sure bet that we’d all agree that social media has become a key component of any organization’s marketing plan. This… Read More

A Sneaking Feeling About the State of TV

Do you ever get one of those feelings that things aren’t quite what they seem? Sure, everything around you looks normal and you haven’t received… Read More

Ditching the Click

Imagine for a moment that you’re the VP of Communications at a Washington, DC-based organization tasked with influencing national policy on a particular issue. Then,… Read More

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2015-ish

By Dr. Sean Carton, Chief Creative Officer and Professor of the Practice at the University of Baltimore September might be considered by some to be… Read More

Hello, Left Brain! Creativity in the Digital Age

Human beings love to categorize stuff and put it in mental “boxes.” It’s a skill that served our primitive ancestors well by allowing them to… Read More