This is my archive

10 Ways Free Tuition Will Change Higher Ed Marketing

When Socrates taught Plato and other wealthy Athenians, he refused payment, a position that didn’t… Read More

How Influencer Marketing Works in Higher Education

When you think of an influencer, what comes to mind? A super smart techie reviewing the newest iPhone? A famous Beauty Blogger making a tutorial… Read More

5 Lessons Learned From eduWeb Digital Summit

This year, I had the chance to attend my very first conference. The eduWeb Digital Summit was hosted in the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia,… Read More

UX is all about error prevention and recovery — oh, and feedback, too

When was the last time you… Read More

LoJack Your Highjacked Focus Group Study

Focus groups suck. They really do. Sure, it’s a long-standing qualitative research technique that has tipped millions of decisions made by… Read More

How to Create a Trusting Partnership With Any Client

We all know the importance of trust in the world of marketing. Trust between you and your client, manager, or board members results… Read More

Building Powerful, Time-Saving Tools for Website Administrators

Website administrators spend a lot of time and energy ensuring that the content on their sites delivers a high-quality user experience. For administrators… Read More

Digital Magazines: The Trojan Horse of Content

    In 2017, over 260 billion emails were sent per day… Read More

The Prospective Student Journey Starts with Brand

The prospective student journey starts well before they see you on social media, receive a postcard in the mail, or visit your website. Read More

How to Pump-Up Your Marketing Team and Give Them a Purpose

Whenever I think of the words  “team,” “culture,” and “motivation” I’m almost always reminded of the moving speeches you find in good-old Americana sports movies. Read More